mommy can't help you now.
(2004-02-23, 10:04 a.m.)
So, here's a question for all you former college kids -- Did you ever e-mail a TA more than once in a semester? I'm not talking about any sort of follow-up from your first question. I'm talking about a constant barrage of e-mails that may be more suited for one's therapist.

See, I have this student. She e-mails me, literally (and I'm using this word correctly), three times a week. There's always a crisis. And, it's driving me nuts. But, I can't tell her to stop, because she is one of those high-maintenance brats who will sic her mommy on the department. So, I have to take it.

The worst part? She's one of those people who writes your name in the subject line of the e-mails. I hate that. It's so condescending and annoying. "Fussbudget. Very Important." Ugh, can't you tell that I don't give a shit and have 49 other students to worry about? Last time I checked, I wasn't qualified as a counselor or therapist.

Venting over. This week is going to be insane. Wish me luck...