so THAT'S what my coffee table looks like
(2003-11-25, 6:27 p.m.)
I've spent much of the afternoon (well, an hour or so) cleaning the living room for J.Bro's impending arrival. (Now sans bitchy girlfriend! Yes, I said that out loud....) He called me from Seattle (!) this afternoon and told me his plane gets in at 9. We're heading to a local watering hole with much of the gang to drink and be merry.

I cancelled my classes for tomorrow, so I can sleep in a little.

I got a bunch of work done this weekend, but I'm still a little behind. Luckily, my methods professor gave us a little breathing room with the next draft of our paper.

Linus is snuggling in my lap, so I guess I should stop with the writing. Sometimes my cats are so cute I want to vomit.

Have a great Turkey Day everybody! I'll see some of you at the football craziness Friday. (No, I'm not playing...)