more about my weekend than you could possibly care
(2003-12-01, 1:04 p.m.)
I didn't go to lecture today. Last night I felt as if my left ear was going to explode any time that I bent over or moved my head. I decided to forgo the Nyquil for some reason. Sometimes I think I just want to suffer. Anyway, my ear is still bugging me, although not as badly, and I should probably go to the doctor. I'm sure it's just another minor infuction, which the doc will probably not even bother with antibiotics. Anyway, it hurts. And I'm tired. And the coughing still remains from the sickness two weeks ago. I have two-and-a-half more weeks of this semester. I can't get sick until the 20th.

Thanksgiving was OK. I saw a bunch of folks I haven't seen in a while. J.Bro stayed over in Philly Tuesday nigh, and we drank too much, played tittiematch and hung out. Mike had a bit of a disaster with the car (locking himself out), so he didn't get home until 5:15 on Wednesday morning. We headed up to the 'burbs that afternoon, all of us exhausted.

Turkey day was turkey day. That night we saw School of Rock with J.Bro and JoBro.

Friday I watched a bunch of my friends play football in the rain. I felt like I was stuck at a shoot for a laundry detergent commercial. I think that's when I started feeling sick again, because I was cranky for the rest of the day, including the fake reunion that night. I didn't feel like dealing with most people and kept my distance from the crowds. I feel bad because I did want to see many of these folks, but I was just exhausted and bitchtastic.

Saturday we returned to tha Illadelph and wound up at the Locust Bar yet again. That place is my new home, I swear.

Last night I had dinner with Cass, her husband, J.Mo and two other pals. Sadly, it was at a scary Asian restaurant with LIVE FISH in a tank not 8 feet from me. I was a little unsettled. After, we headed to J.Mo's and hung out. It was good to see Cassie one more time in a month.

I also heard from A. for the first time in a while. We chatted about her recent breakup and how JR is a complete fool. I'm glad I got to talk to her because I want her to know that I do care. I told her that I told JR he's an idiot, but that I'm staying out of it. Lord knows I've learned my lesson...

Anyway, that's the rundown. I need to read about postmodernism now. I'm actually kind of excited about it. The light is faint at the end of the tunnel, but it's beginning to burn brighter...