code, code, code
(2003-11-22, 1:54 p.m.)
Things have been crazy, and will continue to be crazy until three weeks from now, when the semester is finally over. So, I probably won't be updating as much as usual. I'm mired in a massive amount of coding that I should've done 3 weeks ago, and my advisor will crucify me if I don't have it for her on Monday. So, this weekend is work, work, work. Luckily, Mike is up in NYC, so he doesn't have to deal with my incessant whining about school and my whirlwind anxiety.

(My therapist says that I need to stop multitasking -- it's one of the reasons I'm so freakin' uptight. Yes, I have a theRAPIST now. And I'm on the 'pro -- 1exapr0. More on my mental anguish later.)

Last night was the departmental party. It was fairly successful, except that I didn't really meet anyone who wasn't in my year. So, I really didn't network all that well. I suck at the schmooze. After the party, Mike and I went out with one of my fellow students and his girlfriend. We hit Dirty Frank's, Bob and Barbara's, and Locust Bar. I had 4 drinks, which did not bode well with my new chemical happy pills. By the end of the night, I was nodding off like Courtney Love in 1991 (or 2003).

So now, I'm going to break my therapist's rules and code while watching Queer Eye. I deserve that much.