rock and roll in unexpected places
(2003-09-18, 1:25 p.m.)
I'm tizz-ired and not at all motivated. Last night we trekked over to the Khyber to see a bunch of bands which featured friends of various friends. Also playing was an insane Japanese band which included a drummer who plays naked, save for a strategically placed (in the Red Hot Chili Peppers sense) sock. They were crazy, but I was tired, so we left early.

Today I need to do a bunch of class prep and reading. Of course, I've done none of these things. I've spent my morning dilly-dallying on the computer, chatting with Stylequeen about our dreams last night, which both featured each other. My dream also involved a certain Seattle band whose name rhymes with Meth Lab for Bootie, which was funny because that's who the 'queen was listening to when I relayed the details (And, no, it wasn't dirty).