R.I.P. Fauxjetta
(2004-09-01, 7:31 p.m.)
My beloved Fauxjetta, my first car that I possessed (well, leased), is on her way to "some auction," according to Larry, the salesman who took her away from me.

As the world balances out, there is loss and there is gain. Mikey and I are now in possession of a 2005 F0rd F0cus sedan which makes my Fauxjetta (a 2001 F0cus) look like the old, beaten-up battleaxe she is. I have yet to name this new tundra-green diva with power windows and locks (!). She also has a moonroof and a CD player. Now my car stereo is only 1 audio format behind.

I am currently holding with appl3 to get them to cancel my laptop order, as the down payment on Fauxjetta's predecessor was quite steep. Ah, the joys of shitty, shitty credit.