the root of all evil
(2004-05-19, 7:30 p.m.)
And the crap just keeps getting shoveled on me. I fucked up my bookkeeping for the month and as a result owe money on the fauxjetta that I thought I paid. I hate money. I hate handling it, I hate dealing with it, I hate not having it. I'm not that extravagant. Really, I swear.

On a more positive note, I did pilates for the first time in ages. It did make me feel better this morning. Mike and I watched Supersize Me yesterday and it was inspirational. I do not want to be a lardass. It's not like I eat at McDonald's, but I still felt the need to get moving after watching that film.

Tonight I'm going to hang with J.Bro doing lord knows what. It's so weird that we're living in the same city. I just want my good mood back.