the pleasure of consumption
(2003-10-09, 8:54 a.m.)
Yes, I'm dirt poor. But that didn't stop me from going on a CD-buying spree last night. I haven't bought music in months and was starting to feel a little bit dead inside. (Plus, I'm one of those "pay for what you download" kinds of people.) I bought the new Death Cab (which, yes I had in MP3 form, but as I said, I paid for it), Cass McCombs, The Decemberists, Beulah, Nada Surf's The Proximity Effect and and Earlimart EP. I'm such a white, indie-rock girl it hurts.

Our new bed arrives today. You don't know how exciting this is. I'm so sick of sleeping on the mattress on the floor. I have to give it up to my parents for hooking me up with such a kickass graduation gift.

Speaking of graduation, my M.A. diploma arrived at the parents' house. Guess UGA didn't want that $4 in library fines. Fuck 'em. I've now got the piece of paper.

Some of my Athens friends are playing here tomorrow night. I'm excited to see friendly faces from the classic city.

All this, and a Red Sox win. And this great guy finally gets to vote. I hope the first exercise of the first amendment he uses is to tell the INS to eat a dick while he sings the chorus to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." That would make me proud to be an American.

The pessimist in me is worried.