motownphilly back again
(2003-09-28, 10:29 p.m.)
Why does every craptacular fast food restaurant have Philly Cheesesteak Fever right now? First Domino's with their Philly Cheesesteak Pizza (ewwww) and now McDonald's has decided to put their version of the classic out there. So gross. And why are these being sold in Philadelphia? (Yes, I know why. It's strictly rhetorical...)

I've had a fabulous weekend at home, even though I'm inundated with work. I'm still far behind on my presentation for Tuesday and have to write about this ridiculous observation exercise I had to do for methods. This is why I like being theoretical. I feel so self-conscious about watching people.

Friday night a bunch of us went to the Phillies game. It was the third to last game at Veterans Stadium and after was a big ol' fireworks show. Because our seats wouldn't allow us to see the fireworks, we got to watch them on the field. I was crammed with thousands of my closest friends on half of the field, with folks all around in the stands. It was painful (I was rolled up in a ball a la Pilates classes), but exhilarating. Then we went to Dirty Franks for a little bit.

Yesterday the StyleQueen came into town to hang out. We ate at Vietnam with much of the crew and then hung out at M and J's house. SQ and I then went to see Nada Surf, where we felt really old. It was at the Troc and the only place to drink is in the balcony. There was plenty of room up there since the audience probably had an average age of 18. When they covered "There is a Light That Never Goes Out," Stiner turns to me and says "Does this make us old?" "I guess," I replied. Then our tired asses got back to my apartment and we went to bed. I so don't party anymore.