summer really is over
(2003-08-21, 4:32 p.m.)
I fell into the Gap yet again today. The one on South Street had the red cords in my size, and I found another pair of jeans that were just calling my name. Back to school, indeed.

Last night Mike and I went out for proper dinner for the first time in what seems like forever. It was yummy and fun. I'm still getting used to living together again, but not in a bad way. I just like having him around.

I realize that this weekend is my last weekend of freedom. School doesn't start until the 2nd, but I have three days of orientation beginning Wednesday, as well as a morning-long meeting with the professor I'm TAing for and his other three TAs on Monday. No more life of leisure for me. At least it's going out with a bang, with a bachelor party and all. (Don't ask.)