feel a whole lot better
(2004-06-09, 11:17 a.m.)
Yeah, so after that pathetic yelping about going to the doctor last night?

Well, I took my last bit of decongestant at 10:30, hoping it would kick in by 11 in time for me to go to bed. It helped my nasal congestion, but not my swollen, painful throat. I tried my best to sleep, but I was up tossing and turning all night.

At 3:30, I was in so much pain I thought, "There's nothing else in the house might as well take a generic Aleve. It should at least stop some of the pain." By 4 a.m. my sore, swollen throat, the one that made it difficult to breathe and swallow was GONE. WTF? I could've been popping Aleve the past four days and actually have had a life!

I feel fine now. I just have a little bit of a cough. Of course, now I'm convinced that my body is attacking me in some bizarre autoimmune disease way. But yeah, Aleve is the drug of the gods.

I've sent my resume to the first temp agency. It's one for "creative" types, so I'm hoping that something will come of it. I'd much rather spend my summer writing and editing travel brochure copy than doing data entry and answering phones. I have four more agencies to contact before I can kick back and call it a day. After all, I'm two days behind on my job search thanks to my mystery illness.