call me...
(2003-12-06, 2:36 a.m.)
....Drunky McDrunkerson.

I went out to McGlinchey's with J.Mo and DC and the hipster from school and hipster's girlfriend. I drank more porters than I intended to, but the real culprit is...

....Old Speckled Hen. I fucking love that ale, and that's the first drink I had tonight. I think it set the course for a night of terrible double entendre and talking shit. DC and the hipster couple left and J.Mo and I had a heart-to-heart about our lives in general. It was great. He has totally turned from a pleasant acquaintance to a really great friend in the time that I've moved here. He fills a void left by not living in the same city as the fabulous Mr. Love, but they are not at all interchangeable. I know that sounds crazy, but it makes sense to me. Anyway, I'm drunk off my ass and probably shouldn't be posting.

Mikey comes home tomorrow. I've missed him. I cleaned much of the apartment today, so it should be a pleasant homecoming for him.

God, I feel Athens drunk tonight. Guess I need to suck down some more water and go to sleep. Papers, grading and other bullshit will wait until tomorrow afternoon.