nothin' on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds...
(2003-12-04, 12:48 a.m.)
I just got back from drinks with Simon LeBon and ODB (who apparently is now called that to prevent him from being confused with my boyfriend -- they share the same first name). Simon just accepted a job in Stuttgart, which I'm sure I spelled wrong. He's only here until June. I move, people leave. That's how it goes. But we're happy and we drink and now I'm tipsy.

You see, I haven't eaten anything of true substance for about two days now. It's not on purpose, I've just been going nonstop and haven't really bothered to eat. So, I'm now tipsier than I usually would be. Alas....

The professor is now my friend....ster. Too freakin' funny, although Simon and ODB did bring up the possibility that he's the creepy middle-aged prof. I tend to think of him as delightfully eccentric. And keeping in touch with folks can't hurt my career. Plus, it's just so weird.

I should probably stop rambling. Nirvana's cover of the Meat Puppets' "Plateau" is running through my head, since it's the last song i heard as I left my den/Locust Bar.

Oh yeah? That 15 page paper that I wrote the day it was due? I got an A-. It would've been an A had I actually had time to proofread it. I'll never learn my lesson.