my body is a delapitated temple
(2003-11-17, 9:24 a.m.)
Why does my body despise me? The cold is pretty much obliterated, save for the occasional cough. Last night, however, my stomach decided that it wanted to emulate a certain scene in Alien. I'm waiting for some kind of horrifying creature to bust out of my lower GI tract any minute now. On top of this, I managed to sprain my left pinky toe last night on one of my many late-night trips to the bathroom. I am falling apart, two months shy of my 29th birthday.

Today is a work, work, work day. That paper is due tomorrow and I've written exactly none of it. And I have two bullshit assignments for methods today. So, in other words, I won't exist again until 9 pm tomorrow night. There's a rumor of us drinking to celebrate finishing the paper. Let's hope that rumor is true.