not waving, drowning
(2003-11-03, 8:17 a.m.)
I think I've been spending more time yakking in y'all's guestbooks instead of updating. Oh well. I'm not that much fun anymore anyway.

Remember in the first season of Alias when Sidney went to grad school and had trouble keeping up because of her secret identity? That's how I feel, but instead of being an international spy who gets to dress up in funky outfits, my secret identity consists of going to post-adolescent keg parties and watching hours of bad TV. I am so easily distracted it's scary. I still can't concentrate. Today, however, I will slog through. But, back to Alias -- If the CIA/SD-6 had all these experts at their beck and call, couldn't they have just given Sid papers for her classes? Doesn't that help with her cover? Anyway...

This weekend Simon had a party and I performed my first keg stand. I'm 28 years old. I am truly pathetic.

Yet another Athens friend was in town this weekend, so I went with him and his friend who goes to one of Main Line liberal arts schools for cheesesteaks. I think I'm actually sick of cheesesteaks. I never thought I would say that.

Well, time to finish that lit review/theory section of my methods paper that's due today. (Yes, today. I told you I'm slack. It's not graded, though, so I really don't care all that much. I just want something to hand in.)