tell me to snap out of it and i'll try to snap your neck
(2003-10-26, 12:31 p.m.)
I'm getting sick. I blame Bob and Barbara's. I have a new rule -- no more than one special (shot of Jim Beam and a can of PBR) per night. More than that causes the evening to devolve into a drunken shouting match about questionable sexual practices. Hanging out with Simon and JM will cause that to happen.

I'm not really up for my trip to NYC tonight. I have to finish my presentation this afternoon and then head up there. It just seems like a big logistical clusterfuck, and the thought of standing around with a bunch of emotastic 16-year-olds is just not my idea of a good time right now.

I'm sick and a little cranky. The stress of everything is getting to me, and I just want to crawl up in a ball and watch craptacular VH1 pop culture bullshit shows. I'm about at the point where I go fetal.

Can I please be happy, even if for only a day or so?